Photos by: anika854



(Czech) (0 )

Palacinky is a Simple and fast breakfast meal. Salty and/or sweet, depends on topping.

Uploaded: 02:27AM July 10, 2017. Photo likes: 0

Palak Puri

(Indian) (0 )

It is made by mixing wheat flour with pureed spinach and other spices. It is best enjoyed hot with mango chutney and chili pickle. Palak puri is a healthy and nutritious meal that is often enjoyed during breakfast, as well as lunch. Palak puris are …

Uploaded: 05:39AM March 29, 2018. Photo likes: 0


Crépes, Clătite, Palačinka, Palacinka, Pa…

(-Eastern European-) (Hungarian) (0 )

The Hungarian version of crépes filled with ground meat, fried onion, and topped with a sour cream/paprika sauce, and Gundel, filled with ground walnuts, raisins, and rum and topped with dark chocolate sauce.

Uploaded: 03:27AM February 28, 2017. Photo likes: 0

Paling In 't Groen

(Belgian) (0 )

Paling in 't groen regional dish, mainly from the area along the River Scheldt between Dendermonde and Antwerp.

Uploaded: 02:38PM July 22, 2018. Photo likes: 0


Palm Tree, Elephant Ear

(French) (0 )

Palmier is a French pastry in a palm leaf shape or a butterfly shape that's why it's also called Elephant ear. This pastry is quick and easy to make with puff pastry, a laminated dough similar to the dough used for the croissant, but without …

Uploaded: 02:57AM March 02, 2017. Photo likes: 0


(Swedish) (0 )

Palt is a traditional Swedish meat-filled dumpling. Palt is traditionally served with butter and lingonberry preserves, and a glass of cold milk on the side.

Uploaded: 02:46AM December 30, 2016. Photo likes: 0


Coconut Creamed Spinach

(I-kiribati) (Samoan) (0 )

Palusami is the national dish from Kiribati and also made with coconut milk. Pour the coconut milk into a large mixing bowl. Stir in the salt, lemon juice and onions. A traditional Samoan dish of wrapped bundles of taro leaves with a coconut and onion …

Uploaded: 05:44AM December 31, 2017. Photo likes: 0


(Mexican) (0 )

It is the name of a Mexican white bread. The bread used for pambazos is white and lacks a crispy crust. This particular bread is made of flour, lard, eggs, and is tougher and drier than the similar bolillo (also used for sandwiches), which allows …

Uploaded: 10:14AM June 26, 2018. Photo likes: 0


(Brazilian) (0 )

Pamonha is a traditional Brazilian food. Pamonha is a paste made from sweet corn, boiled wrapped in corn husks. Variations may include coconut milk. Pamonha can be savoury or sweet.

Uploaded: 04:29AM February 20, 2017. Photo likes: 0


(Italian) (0 )

Panbrioche is a kind of bread similar to a brioche. There are many variations of panbrioche, such as panbrioche dolce, panbrioche speziato, panbrioche salato, and panbrioche farcito.

Uploaded: 05:10AM May 14, 2020. Photo likes: 0

Pancakes And Maple Syrup

(American) (0 )

These are those thick, spongy American pancakes that are often eaten with warm maple syrup.American-style pancakes make a special weekend breakfast.

Uploaded: 01:20AM January 23, 2017. Photo likes: 0


(Colombian) (0 )

Pandebono is a type of Colombian bread made of corn flour, cassava starch, cheese and eggs.

Uploaded: 04:30AM April 28, 2017. Photo likes: 0

Pan De Queso

(Colombian) (0 )

Pan De Queso is a traditional Colombian bread or roll made with tapioca flour and grated cheese. It is served plain or filled with cream cheese or jelly.

Uploaded: 01:29PM February 09, 2018. Photo likes: 0


Pan De Sal

(Filipino) (0 )

Pandesal or pan de sal, is a common bread roll in the Philippines. It is made of flour, eggs, yeast, sugar, and salt.

Uploaded: 05:30AM May 14, 2020. Photo likes: 0

Pan De Yuca

(Colombian) (Ecuadorian) (0 )

Pan De Yuca is a type of bread made of cassava starch and cheese typical of southern Colombia and the Coast Region of Ecuador.

Uploaded: 04:38AM April 28, 2017. Photo likes: 0

Pane Di Altamura

(Italian) (0 )

Pane di Altamura is a type of Italian naturally leavened bread made from remilled durum wheat semola from the Altamura area of the Provincia di Bari, in the Apulia region.

Uploaded: 05:53AM May 14, 2020. Photo likes: 0


(Catalan) (Spanish) (0 )

It traditional dessert of the All Saints' Day, known as Castanyada, in Catalonia, Andorra, Ibiza and the Land of Valencia, with chestnuts and sweet potatoes.

Uploaded: 10:17AM February 01, 2018. Photo likes: 0

Pane Ticinese

Bread of Ticino, Tessinerbrot, tessinois

(Swiss) (0 )

Pane ticinese is a white bread traditionally made in the Swiss canton of Ticino, but also available in the rest of Switzerland, where it is known as "Bread of Ticino" (German: Tessinerbrot, French: pain tessinois). In Ticino, it is referred to by a number of …

Uploaded: 05:55AM May 14, 2020. Photo likes: 0


(Italian) (0 )

Panettone is a type of sweet bread loaf originally from Milan. usually prepared and enjoyed for Christmas and New Year.It has a cupola shape. It is served in slices, vertically cut, accompanied with sweet hot beverages or a sweet wine.

Uploaded: 08:23AM December 03, 2016. Photo likes: 0


(Italian) (0 )

Panfocaccia is a kind of bread that is very similar to focaccia in Italian cuisine. It's well known in several other countries; there are different panfocaccia throughout Italy's regions, and it is also made by the Italian diaspora throughout the rest of the world.

Uploaded: 05:57AM May 14, 2020. Photo likes: 0