
(Argentine) (Bolivian) (Chilean) (...)

corn pulp, onions, garlic, basil

The Humita is one of the oldest Chilean dishes, though there are some similar preparations in the Peruvian and Ecuadorian cooking. They are the consequence of the abundance of corn during the summer plus a little ingenuity and a lot of taste in a natural pack, using the very husks to wrap the corn pulp, onion, garlic and basil that give it its flavor and its contagious joy. The humita used to be served with sugar sprinkled on it or …

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Created Feb. 28, 2017 by: itisclaudio

Related: 1 of 1

Pamonha (Brazilian)
Pamonha is a traditional Brazilian food. Pamonha is a paste made from sweet corn, boiled wrapped in corn husks. Variations …