Arroz Con Mariscos


rice, dish, seafood, shellfish, clams, mussels, squid

Peruvian seafood paella or rice with seafood and aji amarillo (yellow chili). It usually has fish, mussels, squid and scallops.

Created Sept. 6, 2016 by: itisclaudio

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Paella De Mariscos

Paella Marinera, Seafood … (Spanish)
Paella De Marisco is the seafood version of the famous Spanish Paella and it is a summer dish made of …

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by itisclaudio (0 ) Personal: Only owner can add dishes

List of Peruvian traditional dishes that can be made using the instant pot to save money and increase flavor.

Common Peruvian Lunch Dishes 35


by itisclaudio (0 ) Public: Users can add dishes

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