Peruvian Cuisine


(Peruvian) (0 ) (4 )

Peruvian squash stew with potatoes. The name comes from the Quechua word "rocro" and it is an old dish from the Peruvian Andes. The stew is cooked with milk, peas, potatoes, and cheese, and is served with rice.

11:44AM November 13, 2017 - by: itisclaudio

Locro Con Milanesa

(Peruvian) (0 ) (1 )

The dish "locro de zapallo" (squash stew with potatoes) is normally accompanied by milanesa

03:17PM March 14, 2018 - by: itisclaudio

Lomito al jugo

(Peruvian) (0 ) (1 )

Lomito is a Peruvian dish made with sauteed beef, tomatoes and onions usually served as a breakfast item. It is similar to the well known "Lomo Saltado" but served without rice and fries.

09:08AM March 16, 2018 - by: itisclaudio

(Peruvian) (3 ) (5 )

Lomo saltado is a popular, traditional peruvian dish, a stir fry that typically combines marinated strips of sirloin, or other beef steak, with onions, tomatoes, and other ingredients, served with fried potato slices (french fries) and rice. the …

01:53PM September 10, 2018 - by: itisclaudio

(Chilean) (Ecuadorian) (Peruvian) (0 ) (1 )

It has a bit of “powdery” texture when fresh, but when used in dishes its heavenly sweet and tasty. The lúcuma (Pouteria lucuma) is a subtropical fruit native to Peru, Chile and Equador. Known as the Gold of …

02:19PM March 31, 2017 - by: itisclaudio

Majado De Yuca, Majado De Platano, Majau,…

(Peruvian) (0 ) (1 )

Majado is a traditional dish from the Piura region in Peru. It is made by roasting plantains or yucas and chicharron then mixed with a garlic and onions sauce.

03:31PM June 11, 2021 - by: itisclaudio

(Ecuadorian) (Peruvian) (0 ) (1 )

Majarisco is a traditional dish from Ecuador and the Tumbes region in Peru. It is a seafood version of the dish called Majado (mushed roasted plantain).

03:45PM June 11, 2021 - by: itisclaudio

Malaya Dorada, Malalla Frita

(Peruvian) (0 ) (1 )

La malaya frita is a traditional dish from Peruvian gastronomy, specially from the Arequipa region where is served in the Picanterias (Traditinal restaurant for spicy food). The Malaya or Skirt is first cooked in a variety of vegetables …

04:57AM September 02, 2020 - by: itisclaudio

Manchapecho, Carapulca con Sopa Seca

(Peruvian) (0 ) (1 )

Mancha pecho is a combination of two Peruvian dishes: Carapulca and Sopa Seca. People eating these noodles often stain their shirts with the sauce hence the nickname “stained chest”.

03:01PM July 02, 2020 - by: itisclaudio

(Peruvian) (0 ) (1 )

Sweet fast food mostly sold on the streets. it is Crunchy Caramelized Peanuts

06:37PM December 25, 2016 - by: itisclaudio

(Chilean) (Peruvian) (0 ) (1 )

Manjar blanco is a custard made from milk, vanilla bean and sugar, simmered until thick, rich and absolutely divine! Manjar Blanco is a traditional sweet enjoyed daily throughout South America – as a filling for pastries, the sweet …

02:22PM June 30, 2016 - by: itisclaudio

(Peruvian) (0 ) (1 )

They are a dark green, a warped oval sort of shape, and covered in slightly pointy bumps. Like the chirimoya, they vary greatly in size. Their insides are exactly the same as the chirimoya, only most of the …

02:56PM April 01, 2017 - by: anika854

(Peruvian) (0 ) (1 )

Masato is a ancient alcoholic drink from the jungle region of Peru. Masato is a fermented drink based on yuca, which is a big tuber with lots of starch and very little sugar. So native Peruvians boil, peel …

09:55PM December 18, 2016 - by: itisclaudio

Mashed Potato, pure de papas

(Peruvian) (-Worldwide-) (0 ) (1 )

Dish prepared by mashing boiled potatoes and adding cream, garlic and butter frequently.

02:17PM January 22, 2018 - by: itisclaudio

Coca Tea

(Peruvian) (0 ) (1 )

Mate De Coca is one of the most traditional Peruvian drinks, mate de coca is quite literally tea brewed with the infamous coca leaf. Many foreigners assume the coca leaf to be synonymous with the drug cocaine, but …

04:12PM September 13, 2016 - by: itisclaudio

Purple Corn Pudding

(Peruvian) (0 ) (1 )

Peruvian dessert made from purple corn and fruit. It's thickened into a pudding-like texture with potato flour or corn starch, and spiced with cinnamon and cloves. It tastes a bit like blackberry pie filling, but more exotic. Mazamorra …

12:39PM November 28, 2016 - by: itisclaudio

(Peruvian) (0 ) (2 )

Peruvian version of minestrone

11:35AM May 25, 2016 - by: itisclaudio

(Peruvian) (0 ) (1 )

The milanesa is a South American variation of an Italian dish where generic types of breaded meat fillet preparations are known as a milanesa. Wikipedia

11:27AM November 22, 2017 - by: itisclaudio

(Peruvian) (0 ) (3 )

Breaded fish fillet

11:25AM January 31, 2018 - by: itisclaudio

(Peruvian) (0 ) (2 )

Milanesa De Pollo is a typical classic dish of Peru region. This Chicken Milanesa dish is a staple among several countries and easy to make. It's enjoyed in Venezuela all the way down to Peru.

02:21AM November 14, 2017 - by: anika854