Swiss Chard Pie

(French) (Monegasque)

flour, water, olive oil, red onion, garlic clove, eggs, red pepper, parmesan, fresh lemon juice, swiss chard, salt, ground pepper

Rub the butter into the flour till it resembles breadcrumbs, add a opinch of salt and enough iced water to bind. Gather into a ball and leave to chill for about 30 mins. If in a hurry use some ready made short pastry.
LIne a 18cm tart dish with the pastry, cover with grease proof paper and backing beand and bake blind for 8 mins at 200c. Remove the beans, return to the oven for 2 to 5 mins to allow …

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Created July 8, 2018 by: anika854

Related: 1 of 1

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