

cone shaped rice, urab, salted anchovy, peanuts

Tumpeng is a cone-shaped rice dish with side dishes of vegetables and meat. The rice itself may be plain steamed rice, uduk rice. The cone shaped rice surrounded by assorted of Indonesian dishes, such as urap vegetables, ayam goreng (fried chicken), ayam bakar (grilled chicken), empal gepuk (sweet and spicy fried beef), abon sapi (beef floss), semur (beef stew in sweet soy sauce), teri kacang (anchovy with peanuts), fried prawn, telur pindang (boiled marble egg), shredded omelette, tempe orek (sweet …

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Created Dec. 28, 2017 by: anika854

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This is the list of the dishes that represent a country or a cuisine. They are normally chosen because they …