corn flour, water, salt, oil, cheese, cilantro, onions, eggs, red or green sauce, cream, black beans, chiles, garlic
Memelas is the Oaxacan local name for the almost identical sopes and huaraches that are served in other parts of Mexico, but with different toppings. The corn masa is flattened with a tortilla press, pinched to create indentations along its borders, then placed over a hot comal or griddle. When the tortilla-like base is cooked and charred where the dough hits the hot metal of the grill, chewy as a medium-well steak. If the mamelas made with cheese its looks …
Created July 8, 2018 by: anika854
Black Pudding Tacos or Moronga Is a Central America and Mexican cuisine. Spices, moronga or black pudding, garlic, tortillas, lard, …
Dishes You Must Try From Mexican Cuisine 21
by anika854 (0 ) Public: Users can add dishes
Mexican food is not only delicious but will leave you filled and satisfied. Mexican dishes could be spicy & tastefully. …
Traditional Food From Oaxaca 11
by itisclaudio (0 ) Public: Users can add dishes
Oaxaca is one of Mexico's major gastronomic, historical, and gastro-historical centers whose cuisine is known internationally. Here a list of …