Photos by: eemia21



Ojiya, 雑炊, おじや

(Japanese) (0 )

Zosui is a mild and thin Japanese rice soup akin to a vegetable soup with lots of rice. It is made from pre-cooked rice and water seasoned with either soy sauce or miso and cooked with other ingredients such as meat, seafood, mushrooms, and vegetables. …

Uploaded: 11:28AM January 22, 2017. Photo likes: 0

Zürcher Geschnetzeltes

Züri-gschnätzlets, Émincé De Veau Zuricho…

(German) (Swiss) (0 )

Swiss dish from the Zurich region. The veal and kidney are cut into small thin strips.…

Uploaded: 11:05AM January 28, 2017. Photo likes: 0