Muamba Nsusu


peanut butter, chicken, tomatoes, spinach, lemon juice, turmeric, paprika, chili peppers, palm oil, onions, and cumin

Muamba nsusu is a traditional African dish originating from Congo. This stew is usually prepared with a combination of peanut butter, chicken, tomatoes, spinach, lemon juice, turmeric, paprika, chilli peppers, palm oil, onions, and cumin. The chicken pieces are marinated in lemon juice, turmeric, paprika, and chilli pepper, and it's then simmered in vegetable broth with the other ingredients until everything becomes tender. Once done, the dish is usually garnished with chopped scallions and crushed peanuts. Muamba nsusu is accompanied …

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Created Nov. 6, 2020 by: atasneem

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