Spanish-Andalusian Cuisine

(Spain, Andalusia)

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It is the cuisine of Andalusia, Spain. Notable dishes include gazpacho, fried fish (often called pescaíto frito in the local vernacular), the jamones of Jabugo, Valle de los Pedroches and Trevélez, and the wines of Jerez, particularly sherry. Frying in Andalucian cuisine is dominated by the use of olive oil that is produced in the provinces of Jaén, Córdoba, Seville, and Granada. Málaga, Almería, Cádiz and Huelva produces olive oil too, but in smaller amounts. The foods are dredged in flour a la andaluza (meaning only flour, without egg or other ingredients, but may include flour from the chickpea especially for use in batters). They are then fried in a large quantity of hot olive oil.

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