Fideus A La Cassola


noodles, sausage, olive oil, tomatoes, onions, garlic, parsley

Fideus a la cassola is a Catalan dish prepared by cooking the noodles in a clay pot with pork chops, pieces of sausage, olive oil, tomatoes, onions, garlic, and parsley. The noodles are added to the pot only after all other ingredients have started to caramelize and release their juices. Boiling water or broth is then added to the pot, and the dish is left to simmer a bit more until the noodles are cooked. This dish is especially popular …

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Created Oct. 31, 2020 by: atasneem

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Catalonia [kataˈluɲa]) is an autonomous community on the northeastern corner of Spain, designated as a nationality by its Statute of …