Bruneian Cuisine



(Bruneian) (Malaysian) (0 ) (1 )

Ambuyat is a dish derived from the interior trunk of the sago palm. It is a starchy bland substance, similar to tapioca starch. Ambuyat is the national dish of Brunei, and a local delicacy in the Malaysian states …

01:22PM November 13, 2018 - by: ClaudioRoman

(Bruneian) (Indonesian) (0 ) (1 )

Ayam Penyet is a delicious chicken dish marinated with spices and herbs. The chicken is then smashed and then deep-fried, to make it a complete meal. It is served with steamed rice and chilli sambal.

01:18AM October 25, 2020 - by: atasneem

(Bruneian) (0 ) (0 )

Belutak Daging is Bruneian dish. It is prepared with beef, minced meat, and plenty of spices. The local delicacy has a sour and sweet taste. The dish prepared mostly during Eid Al Adha.

01:11AM October 25, 2020 - by: atasneem

(Bruneian) (0 ) (1 )

Hati Buyah is an exotic dish from Brunei. It consists of marinated stir-fried beef lungs that have a distinct and spicy flavour. It is prepared with beef lung, oil, spices, onion, vegetables, spice seeds. It tastes delicious.

12:23AM October 25, 2020 - by: atasneem

(Bruneian) (0 ) (1 )

Honey Garlic Chicken Pizza is a special dish of Brunei. It is very common in Brunei restaurants. It is prepared with flour, yeast, salt, sugar, honey, garlic, chicken, spices, oil, butter. Brunei offers the meal in the spirit …

12:50AM October 25, 2020 - by: atasneem

(Bruneian) (0 ) (1 )

Kelupis is a snack that originated from Brunei. Kelupis is made from glutinous rice. Kelupis is wrapped with Nyirik leaf. The main ingredients are Glutinous rice flour, palm sugar. It is very popular in Brunei.

11:33PM October 24, 2020 - by: atasneem

(Bruneian) (0 ) (1 )

Kuih Bahulu is a dish from Brunei. It is prepared with Wheat flour, eggs, sugar, baking powder. Kuih Bahulu that consists of a sponge cake made in a cast-iron mould. The dish is served on Hari Raya and …

12:12AM October 25, 2020 - by: atasneem

(Bruneian) (0 ) (1 )

Nasi Katok is a dish from Brunei. It consists of rice, chicken and sambal. Nasi means rice while Katok means knock. The name came up because the people had to knock on the nasi seller’s door to place …

11:20PM October 24, 2020 - by: atasneem