American Cuisine


Booya, Bouja, Boulyaw, Bouyou

(American) (0 ) (1 )

A thick soup that often requires up to two days and multiple cooks to prepare; it is cooked in specially designed "booyah kettles" and usually meant to serve hundreds or even thousands of people. The name can also …

04:03PM February 10, 2017 - by: eemia21

(American) (0 ) (1 )

Boston baked beans are a variety of baked beans, typically sweetened with molasses or maple syrup and flavored with salt pork or bacon.…

09:20AM February 10, 2017 - by: eemia21

Boston Cream Pie Doughnut, Boston Cream P…

(American) (0 ) (1 )

It is a round shaped, solid, yeast-risen doughnut with chocolate frosting and a vanilla filling, a miniature donut version of the Boston cream pie.

11:58PM February 02, 2017 - by: anika854

(American) (0 ) (2 )

This cocktail is an alcoholic drink composed of bourbon, sweet vermouth, and campari. Its creation is ascribed to Erskine Gwynne, an American-born writer who founded a monthly magazine in Paris called Boulevardier, which appeared from 1927 to 1932. …

09:04AM March 09, 2018 - by: itisclaudio

(American) (0 ) (1 )

Bourbon is a type of American whiskey: a barrel-aged distilled spirit made primarily from corn.

02:40AM February 10, 2017 - by: anika854

(American) (0 ) (1 )

Bourbon Ball is a type of Confectionery. Bourbon balls are bite-sized confections incorporating bourbon and dark chocolate as an ingredient.

06:45PM August 14, 2018 - by: itisclaudio

(American) (0 ) (1 )

Bourbon chicken wings are a popular dish mainly originated from Tennesse of USA. It is prepared with chicken wings, pineapple-bourbon sauce, spices, oil. Chicken wings are deep-fried. And then, deep-fried chicken wings is tossed in a rich pineapple-bourbon …

01:11AM December 13, 2020 - by: atasneem

(American) (0 ) (2 )

Breakfast Burrito is a delicious, portable breakfast., these typically involve a flower tortilla that is wrapped around the filling. The difference here is the specific filling. Breakfast burritos often make use of breakfast staples, like scrambled eggs, ham, …

05:18AM January 24, 2017 - by: anika854

(American) (0 ) (1 )

Breakfast Parfait is a great option for getting granola, fruit, and yogurt into your breakfast in a more interesting and more portable way. Breakfast Parfaits are easy to assemble and make-ahead, they’re ideal for a grab-and-go healthy breakfast.

06:57AM January 26, 2017 - by: anika854

(American) (0 ) (1 )

It is typically made using breakfast meats (generally cured meats such as sausages, patty sausages, bacon, country ham, Spam and pork roll), breads, eggs and cheese. These sandwiches were typically regional specialties until fast food restaurants began serving …

04:59AM January 23, 2017 - by: anika854

Country Sausage

(American) (0 ) (1 )

Breakfast Sausage is a type of fresh pork sausage usually served at breakfast in the United States. Breakfast Sausage is a common breakfast item in traditional American "farmer" or "country" breakfasts. Breakfast sausage is most commonly served as …

11:25PM January 25, 2017 - by: anika854

(American) (Jewish) (0 ) (2 )

Brisket is a cut of meat from the breast or lower chest of beef or veal. The beef brisket is one of the nine beef primal cuts, though the precise definition of the cut differs internationally. The brisket …

12:00AM April 11, 2015 - by: atasneem

(American) (0 ) (1 )

Broiled lobster is a dish from Maine of USA. It is simply prepared with Broiled whole lobster, drawn butter, spices. The lobster is shelled and marinated with spices and cooked on butter.

01:43AM December 21, 2020 - by: atasneem

(American) (0 ) (1 )

Brown Betty is a traditional American dessert made from fruit (usually apple, but also berries or pears) and sweetened crumbs. Similar to a cobbler or apple crisp, the fruit is baked and in this case the sweetened crumbs …

10:16AM April 02, 2017 - by: anika854

(American) (0 ) (1 )

Brown Derby is an American cocktail. It is prepared with bourbon, grapefruit juice, and honey syrup.

12:45AM December 06, 2020 - by: atasneem

(American) (1 ) (1 )

A chocolate brownie is a flat, baked square or bar developed in the United States at the end of the 19th century and popularized in both the U.S. and Canada during the first half of the 20th century. …

02:05PM September 10, 2018 - by: itisclaudio

(American) (0 ) (2 )

02:05PM September 10, 2018 - by: itisclaudio

(American) (0 ) (1 )

Buckeye Candy is a confection made from a peanut butter fudge partially dipped in chocolate to leave a circle of peanut butter visible.

04:18PM April 03, 2017 - by: itisclaudio

(American) (0 ) (1 )

Bud ice is an "american adjunct lager" style beer with 5.5% abv and 15 ibu brewed by anheuser-busch missouri, united states. 12 oz contains 120 calories

06:57PM January 17, 2020 - by: itisclaudio


(American) (0 ) (1 )

Bud Light is an "American Light Lager" style beer with 4.20% alcohol by volume (ABV) and 6 IBU (bitterness). Brewed by Anheuser-Busch Missouri, United States. 12 oz contains: 110 calories | 7g carbs

12:32PM November 06, 2018 - by: itisclaudio