Photos by: kanej1


Chicken Sish Taouk

(-Middle Eastern-) (1 )

INSTRUCTIONS Cut the capsicum, tomato and onion into pieces. Cut the meat into pieces. Mix all the ingredients with the meat pieces and marinate for 2 hours. Thread the meat, onion and capsicum onto skewers and grill in a griller for 15-20 minutes. Serve the …

Uploaded: 07:32PM November 21, 2016. Photo likes: 0

Kabsa Tomato Rice

(-Middle Eastern-) (1 )

ingredients 2 and ½ cups basmati rice 3 tablespoons corn oil 1 tablespoon minced garlic 4 tablespoons tomato paste 2 pieces tomato cube 1 piece capsicum cube 1 tablespoon chicken seasoning powder 1 piece chicken stock cube 4 and ½ cups water cashew nuts and …

Uploaded: 07:54PM November 21, 2016. Photo likes: 0