

onions, garlic, green pepper, tomatoes, water, potatoes, pickles

Oliaigua is a traditional Balearic dish originating from Menorca. This simple soup is prepared by frying onions and garlic in a pan until transparent, then add green peppers, tomatoes, and water. The soup is slowly simmered, but it mustn't come to a boil. Oliaigua is typically served with toasted stale bread on the side. The name of the soup is a reference to the combination of oil (oil) and water (aigua), and it was originally very popular among farmers, who …

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Created Oct. 4, 2020 by: atasneem

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by atasneem (0 ) Public: Users can add dishes

Balearic Island is an Island in Spain. The food on the island is very little known. There are some delicious …