Curry Mee

mee kari, 咖喱面, 咖喱麵, Gālímiàn, 咖喱喇沙, curry laksa, Gālí Lǎshā (Chinese) (Indian) (Indian-Chinese) (...)

noodles, spicy curry soup, chilli, coconut milk, mint leaves, dried tofu, prawns, cuttlefish, chicken, eggs

A dish that is unique to Malaysia and Singapore, drawing from Chinese and Indian influences. It is usually made up of thin yellow noodles or/and string thin mee-hoon (rice vermicelli) with spicy curry soup, chilli/sambal, coconut milk, and a choice of dried tofu, prawns, cuttlefish, chicken, egg, mint leaves and cockle.

Made with thin “mee-hoon” noodles made of rice, the spicy broth includes coconut milk and chili or Sambol. Optional ingredients can include tofu, prawns, cuttlefish, mint leaves, and whatever …

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Created Jan. 22, 2017 by: eemia21

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