7 (Peruvian)

List by: itisclaudio, created: 18 Dec 2016, updated: 26 May 2020 Public: Users can add dishes

List of traditional dishes from the jungle region of Peru

1. Juane


Seasoned rice and chicken or hen cooked in banana leaf

(Added by: itisclaudio)

2. Inchicapi De Gallina


Regional creamy hen soup from the Peruvian jungle made of peanuts, corn and cassava

(Added by: itisclaudio)

3. Masato


Masato is a ancient alcoholic drink from the jungle region of Peru.

Masato is a fermented drink based on yuca, which is a big tuber with lots of starch and very little sugar. So native Peruvians boil, peel and chew the yuca and let it sit for a few days. (Eating raw yuca can be dangerous, so don’t do it.) The enzymes in their saliva break down the starch and turn it into sugar—perfect for hungry yeast. If you …

(Added by: itisclaudio)

4. Suri


These Amazonian grubs are the larvae of the palm weevil, known as a cocotero in Peru or a larva de palma in Spanish. They are commonly found residing in the aguaje tree, a plant that is extremely widespread throughout the Amazon, to such an extent that it’s a commonly recognized emblem of the entire region.

(Added by: itisclaudio)

5. Tacacho


Tacacho is a traditional meal from the jungle region of Peru. Tacacho is made by cooking plantains and then mash them with lard, salt and small pieces of pork rind.

(Added by: itisclaudio)

6. Cecina


Cecina is smoked dried pork meat and one of the most well known meats from the jungle region of Peru.

(Added by: itisclaudio)

7. Tacacho Con Cecina


Probably the most well known dish from the jungle region of Peru. Tacacho (fried Plantain) with Cecina (smoked dried pork meat) sometimes it is accompanied with chorizo (sausage)

(Added by: itisclaudio)