4 (Azerbaijani)

List by: anika854, created: 10 Aug 2017, updated: 10 Aug 2017 Public: Users can add dishes

Azerbaijan cuisine in composition and diversity of dishes is one of extremely tasty and healthy cuisines. It is characterized by an abundance of a variety of meat (lamb, beef, and poultry) and fish (starry sturgeon, sturgeon) and vegetable dishes, complemented by aromatic herbs and spices, as well as beautiful appearance.

1. Badimjan Dolmasi


Badimjan Dolmasi is a traditional recipe from Azerbaijani made with stuffed eggplant with a fried mince.

(Added by: anika854)

2. Dovga


is a national meal of Azerbaijani cuisine, a soup traditionally made from plain yoghurt and herbs.

(Added by: anika854)

3. Azerbaijani Plov


One of the most reputed dishes of Azerbaijani cuisine is plov from saffron-covered rice, served with various herbs.

(Added by: anika854)

5. Lavangi


Lavangi is a traditional dish of Azerbaijan. It comes from southern regions of Azerbaijan.

(Added by: anika854)