6 (Finnish)

List by: anika854, created: 19 Jun 2017, updated: 19 Jun 2017 Public: Users can add dishes

The following list is a sample of typical dishes traditionally consumed in Finland.

1. Kaalikaaryleet


Its a typical Finnish dishes and its look like cabbage rolls stuffed with rice, cabbage and ground beef.

(Added by: anika854)

2. Hernekeitto


Its a traditional dish of Finnish, It's a summer-time delicacy in Finland. Usually served on Thursday along with a dessert pancake

(Added by: anika854)

3. Leipajuusto


Leipajuusto is a traditional Finnish cheese, made from cow's milk, that is set and then cooked under the grill. It is sometimes referred to as squeaky cheese because of the sound it makes when you eat it. This cheese is often served as part of a Finnish breakfast with cloudberry or cranberry jam.

(Added by: anika854)

4. Viili


Its a yogurt-like fermented milk product. It is a traditional Finnish heirloom yogurt with a a slimy and viscous consistency.

(Added by: anika854)

5. Perunamuusi


Its a summer-time delicacy in Finland.

(Added by: anika854)

6. Lihapullat


Its a Finnish meatballs, its eat often with gravy sauce

(Added by: anika854)