1 (Filipino)

List by: araposala, created: 28 Mar 2020, updated: 28 Mar 2020 Personal: Only owner can add dishes

Top dishes that you can see on Filipino tables for breakfast.

1. Poqui Poqui

Puke Puke,puki Puki,poke Poke,poki Poki (Filipino)

Poqui-poqui is a Filipino eggplant dish which is very tasty and creamy. It is cooked by mashing the grilled peeled eggplants, sauteed with onions, tomatoes and adding beaten eggs. It is a meatless meal that can be served as a main dish served with rice or a side dish with grilled fish and meat dishes. It is popular and staple for the locals because it is easy and very simple to cook. The dish is similar to tortang talong another …

(Added by: araposala)