Photos by: rdhalim


Mei Pangsit

(Indonesian) (0 )

Chicken Noodle soup

Uploaded: 01:00AM December 02, 2014. Photo likes: 0

Nasi Padang

(Indonesian) (0 )

Fried chicken with curry and rice

Uploaded: 01:00AM December 02, 2014. Photo likes: 0

Sate Padang

(Indonesian) (0 )

A dish from Padang and the surrounding area in West Sumatra, which is made from cow or goat offal boiled in spicy broth then grilled. Its main characteristic is a yellow sauce made from rice flour mixed with spicy offal broth, turmeric, ginger, garlic, coriander, …

Uploaded: 01:00AM December 02, 2014. Photo likes: 0

Udang Goreng

(Indonesian) (0 )

Fried Prawn with scallion and ginger

Uploaded: 01:00AM December 02, 2014. Photo likes: 0