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"count": 6343,
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"results": [
"name": "Batata Vada",
"othernames": "",
"ingredients": "potatoes",
"description": "Batata Vada is a popular Indian vegetarian fast food in Maharashtra, India. It literally means potato fritters. Batata vada is typically served very hot with green chillies and chutneys of various types.",
"uri": ""
"name": "Bath Oliver",
"othernames": "",
"ingredients": "flour, butter, yeast, milk",
"description": "Bath Oliver is a hard, dry biscuit or cracker made from flour, butter, yeast and milk; often eaten with cheese. It was invented by physician William Oliver of Bath, Somerset around 1750, giving the biscuit its name.",
"uri": ""
"name": "Batida De Lechoza",
"othernames": "",
"ingredients": "papaya, milk, vanilla extract",
"description": "Batida De Lechoza is a smoothie made with Papaya, milk, and vanilla extract.",
"uri": ""
"name": "Batik Cake",
"othernames": "Kek Batik, Marie Fudge Cake",
"ingredients": "broken marie biscuit, milo powder, chocolate powder, eggs, butter, condensed milk",
"description": "Batik Cake is a type of non-baked Malaysian cake dessert. This cake was made by mixing broken Marie biscuits combined with a chocolate sauce or runny custard made with egg, butter/margarine, condensed milk, Milo and chocolate powders. The cake was served during special occasions like the Eid al-Fitr and Christmas.",
"uri": ""
"name": "Battenberg Cake",
"othernames": "",
"ingredients": "flour",
"description": "Battenberg Cake is a light sponge cake with the pieces covered in jam. The cake is covered in marzipan and, when cut in cross section, displays a distinctive two-by-two check pattern alternately coloured pink and yellow",
"uri": ""
"name": "Battered Sausage",
"othernames": "",
"ingredients": "sausage, butter, salt, oil",
"description": "The battered sausage is a standard menu item in fish and chip shops across Great Britain, often described as an \"essential\" staple of the fish and chip shop menu. They consist of a pork sausage dipped in batter (usually the same batter used to batter fish), and usually served with chips.",
"uri": ""
"name": "Bauernfruhstuck",
"othernames": "Bauernfrühstück",
"ingredients": "potatoes, eggs, onions, leeks, bacon",
"description": "A popular German breakfast dish made from fried potatoes, eggs, onions, leeks or chives, and bacon or ham. It is similar to the somewhat simpler English bubble and squeaks.",
"uri": ""
"name": "Baumkuchen",
"othernames": "",
"ingredients": "flour, butter, eggs, sugar, vanilla",
"description": "Baumkuchen is a German variety of spit cake. Baumkuchen is a traditional pastry of many European countries throughout, and also a popular snack and dessert in Japan",
"uri": ""
"name": "Bauru",
"othernames": "Bauru Brazilian sandwich",
"ingredients": "french bun, cheese, roast beef, tomatoes, pickled cucumbers",
"description": "A popular Brazilian sandwich. The traditional recipe calls for cheese (usually mozzarella) melted in a bain-marie, slices of roast beef, tomato and pickled cucumber in a French bun with the crumb (the soft inner part) removed.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n",
"uri": ""
"name": "Bavarian Cream",
"othernames": "Crème Bavaroise, Bavarois",
"ingredients": "milk, eggs, gelatin, whipped cream, sugar",
"description": "Bavarian Cream is a dessert consisting of milk thickened with eggs and gelatin or isinglass, into which whipped cream is folded. The mixture sets up in a cold mold and is unmolded for serving.",
"uri": ""
"name": "Bavarian Pretzels",
"othernames": "",
"ingredients": "yeast, butter, sugar, flour, salt, baking soda, beer cheese sauce",
"description": "Bavarian Pretzel is a german dish. It is prepared with yeast, butter, sugar, flour, salt, baking soda. It is usually served with beer cheese sauce and this what makes the difference between the usual pretzels and bavarian pretzels.",
"uri": ""
"name": "Ba Wan",
"othernames": "Ba-wan, 肉圓",
"ingredients": "flour, pork, chicken, bamboo shoots, mushrooms",
"description": "Ba Wan is a large-sized Taiwanese dumpling and street food, consisting of a 6–8 cm diameter disk-shaped translucent dough filled with a savory stuffing and served with a sweet and savory sauce.",
"uri": ""
"name": "Baye Baye",
"othernames": "espasol",
"ingredients": "rice, grated young coconut, ground corn kernels or ground pinipig (young rice)",
"description": "Baye-Baye (pronounced as báhyeh báhyeh) is a Filipino dish made from young coconut and either newly harvested rice (pinipig) or corn formed into patties. A specialty of Alimodian and Pavia, Iloilo, it is made from grated young coconut mixed with either ground corn kernels or ground pinipig (young rice).\n\n",
"uri": ""
"name": "Bayon Beer",
"othernames": "",
"ingredients": "beer",
"description": "Klang is a Cambodian beer of the \"American Adjunct Lager\" Style with 4.6% ABV brewed by Cambrew / Angkor Brewery Cambodia",
"uri": ""
"name": "Bazhe",
"othernames": "",
"ingredients": "water, vinegar, walnuts, garlic, spices.",
"description": "Bazhe is a popular Georgian sauce made with water, vinegar, walnuts, garlic, and spices such as coriander, salt, parsley, fennel, and crushed red pepper. It has a smooth consistency, and it is traditionally served at Georgian feasts. The sauce is often used with fish or poultry dishes, adding a depth of flavour, but some Georgians also consume it smeared on a slice of bread as a snack.",
"uri": ""
"name": "Bazin",
"othernames": "",
"ingredients": "barley, water, salt",
"description": "It is an unleavened bread in the cuisine of Libya prepared with barley, water and salt. Bazin is prepared by boiling barley flour in water and then beating it to create a dough using a magraf, which is a unique stick designed for this purpose. Bazeen is typically served with a tomato sauce, eggs, potatoes and mutton\n\nsource url:",
"uri": ""
"name": "Bazlama",
"othernames": "",
"ingredients": "wheat flour, water, table salt, yeast",
"description": "This is a single layered, flat, circular and leavened bread with a creamish yellow colour, found in Turkey. This popular flatbread is made from wheat flour, water, table salt, and yeast.",
"uri": ""
"name": "BBQ",
"othernames": "Barbecue Grill",
"ingredients": "meat",
"description": "Barbecue (informally barbeque, BBQ or barby/barbies) is both a cooking method and an apparatus. The generally accepted differences between barbecuing and grilling are cooking durations and the types of heat used. Grilling is generally done quickly over moderate-to-high direct heat that produces little smoke, while barbecuing is done slowly over low, indirect heat and the food is flavored by the smoking process.\r\n\r\nThe word barbecue when used as a noun can refer to the cooking method, the meat cooked in this way, the cooking apparatus (the \"barbecue grill\" or simply \"barbecue\"), or to an event where this style of food is featured. Used as an adjective, \"barbecued\" refers to foods cooked by this method. The term is also used as a verb for the act of cooking food in this manner. Barbecuing is usually done out-of-doors by smoking the meat over wood or charcoal. Restaurant barbecue may be cooked in large brick or metal ovens designed for that purpose. There are numerous regional variations of barbecuing, and it is practiced in many areas of the world.",
"uri": ""
"name": "Bean Pie",
"othernames": "",
"ingredients": "beans, sugar, butter, milk, and spices",
"description": "A bean pie is a sweet custard pie whose filling consists of mashed beans, usually navy bean, sugar, eggs, milk, butter, and spices. Common spices and flavorings include vanilla, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Variations can include cloves, ginger, pumpkin pie spice, and lemon extract.",
"uri": ""
"name": "Bean Sprouts Chicken",
"othernames": "",
"ingredients": "chicken, beans",
"description": "Served with light soya sauce flavoured with oil.\n",
"uri": ""