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"count": 6343,
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"results": [
"name": "Asam Pedas",
"othernames": "",
"ingredients": "fish",
"description": "The sour-spicy-fishy trinity. Fish and, usually, okra are simmered in a tamarind-based broth that, as in so many dishes, starts with a pounded spice paste of chilis and roots and belacan.",
"uri": ""
"name": "Aseed",
"othernames": "",
"ingredients": "water, butter, salt, white flour, wheat flour, oil, onions, green chili, garlic, cumin, pepper, cardamom pods, turmeric, salt, coriander, mea, tomato sauce",
"description": "It is a Yemeni delicacy. It is a meal, using only boiled water, flour, and some salt. Typically it is smothered in gravy.",
"uri": ""
"name": "Ash",
"othernames": "Āsh, aush, ashe, ashe, aash.",
"ingredients": "chick peas, spice, salt, onions, oil, meat, garlic",
"description": "It is part of Iranian, Azerbaijani, Caucasian, and Turkish cuisine is a thick soup/stew, which is usually served hot.",
"uri": ""
"name": "Asham",
"othernames": "",
"ingredients": "coconut sugar, sweet corn",
"description": "Asham is a quick and easy 2 ingredient Caribbean corn based old school snack made from shelled corn that is parched then ground to a fine texture and sweetened to taste.",
"uri": ""
"name": "Ash-E Doogh",
"othernames": "yogurt soup",
"ingredients": "yogurt, onions, salt, eggs",
"description": "It is usually made with yogurt or doogh, a savory type of soda yogurt, as well as different kind of vegetables such as coriander, leek, tarragon and garlic, lamb meat balls, peas, eggs, rice, onion, salt and several types of spices. Fried mint with lots of oil (and sometime garlic) is used as a topping for the soup.",
"uri": ""
"name": "Ashe Sabzi",
"othernames": "",
"ingredients": "kadbanou sabzi ash, plus, parsley, cilantro, chives, spinach, mint flakes, dill weed, garlic, water, salt, black pepper, turmeric, lentils, basmati rice",
"description": "It is one of Iranian, Azerbaijani, Caucasian, and Turkish cuisine is a thick soup/stew, which is usually served hot.",
"uri": ""
"name": "Ash Reshteh",
"othernames": "آش رشته, ashreshteh, ash-reshteh, ash reshteh",
"ingredients": "herbs, beans, lentil, noodles, turmeric",
"description": "The ingredients used are reshteh (thin noodles), kashk (a whey-like, fermented dairy product), herbs such as parsley, spinach, dill, spring onion ends and sometimes coriander, chick peas, black eye beans, lentils, onions, flour, dried mint, garlic, oil, salt and pepper. This is a soup that is vegetarian but can easily be made vegan if you omit using the kashk, you can alternatively add meat to this dish as well.",
"uri": ""
"name": "Ashure",
"othernames": "Aşure, Noah's Pudding",
"ingredients": "grains, fruits, nuts",
"description": "Turkish dessert congee that is made of a mixture consisting of grains, fruits, dried fruits and nuts. In Turkey it is made all the year and served especially during Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar, as the 10th of Muharrem corresponds to the Day of Ashure.\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"uri": ""
"name": "Asian Teriyaki Wings",
"othernames": "",
"ingredients": "chicken",
"description": "",
"uri": ""
"name": "Asida",
"othernames": "عصيدة, ‘aṣīdah, Aseeda",
"ingredients": "wheat flour, butter",
"description": "Asida is a dish with origins from Arabia, made of a cooked wheat flour lump of dough, sometimes with added butter or honey. Similar in texture to gruel, it is eaten in many North African and Middle Eastern countries. The dish originated from the Oromo region in Ethiopia what they call Marca. It is considered one of the most popular desserts and traditional dishes in many Arab countries. Asida is particularly popular in Yemen, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Indonesia. Like most traditional foods of these countries, it is usually eaten by hand, without the use of utensils. Often served during religious holidays such as Mawlid and Eid, it is also served during other traditional ceremonies, for example accompanying the birth of child, such as the ‘aqīqah, the cutting of the hair of a newborn seven days after birth.\r\n\r\nA simple, yet rich dish, often eaten without other complimentary dishes, it is traditionally served at breakfast and is also given to women in labor.\r\n\r\n",
"uri": ""
"name": "Asopao De Pollo",
"othernames": "",
"ingredients": "chicken, sofrito, rice, dry white wine",
"description": "Asopao De Pollo is a yummy, one-dish meal that resembles a chicken and rice gumbo or jambalaya. It’s not quite a soup and quite a stew.",
"uri": ""
"name": "Aspic",
"othernames": "Kholodets, Holodets, Studen",
"ingredients": "gelatin, meat stock, meat",
"description": "Aspic is a dish in which ingredients are set into a gelatin made from a meat stock or consommé. Non-savory dishes, often made with commercial gelatin mixes without stock or consommé, are usually called gelatin salads. \r\n\r\n\r\n",
"uri": ""
"name": "Assam Tea",
"othernames": "",
"ingredients": "",
"description": "Assam Tea is a black tea named after the region of its production, Assam, in India. Assam tea is manufactured specifically from the plant Camellia sinensis var. assamica. This tea, most of which is grown at or near sea level, is known for its body, briskness, malty flavor, and strong, bright color. It is often sold as \"breakfast\" teas.",
"uri": ""
"name": "Assidat Zgougou",
"othernames": "Εasida Turki",
"ingredients": "honey, smen, semolina",
"description": "Assidat Zgougou is a Tunisian dessert often prepared to celebrate the Mūled. It was originally made out of honey, smen and semolina.",
"uri": ""
"name": "Athan Al-Shayebm",
"othernames": "أذان الشايب , Shishbarak",
"ingredients": "pasta, ravioli, ground beef, spices, wheat dough",
"description": "Meaning 'the ears of the old gray-haired man'. Is a pasta or jiaozi dish that has been described as a kind of local variation on ravioli. After being stuffed with ground beef and spices, thin wheat dough parcels are cooked in Jameed and served hot in this sauce. Another name for this dish is Shishbarak.\n\n\n",
"uri": ""
"name": "Athirasa",
"othernames": "Kevum",
"ingredients": "rice flour, treacle, coconut milk, sugar",
"description": "Athirasa is a very popular and culturally important Sinhalese sweet. Diamond or round shaped batter deep fried in hot oil.",
"uri": ""
"name": "Atkilt Wot",
"othernames": "",
"ingredients": "cabbage, carrots, potatoes, vegatarian",
"description": "vegetable combo of cabbage, carrots, and potatoes simmered in a light sauce",
"uri": ""
"name": "Atlas Beer",
"othernames": "",
"ingredients": "beer",
"description": "Atlas is a Larger style Panamanian beer with 3.8% alcohol by volume (ABV) and mildly bitter. This is one of the two most popular beer in Panama and is considered very similar to beers in the United States, often compared to Bud Light or Miller Light in reviews. It is owned by Cerveceria Nacional, which in turn is owned by Grupo Bavaria of Colombia, which is in turn now owned by SABMiller. As of 2008 it is the most popular beer in Panama.",
"uri": ""
"name": "Atol De Elote",
"othernames": "atole de elote",
"ingredients": "corn, sugar, cinnamon, vanilla",
"description": "Atol de elote is a delicious sweet beverage made from corn. It is a creation of the Mayan civilization, which is now popular in Central America. This sweet corn beverage is doled out warm in Guatemalan markets, often seasoned with cinnamon or vanilla. Corn kernels are pulverized on a grinding stone or metate to achieve the drink's silky, creamy consistency.",
"uri": ""
"name": "Atole",
"othernames": "Champurrado, Atol",
"ingredients": "masa, water, piloncillo, cinnamon, vanilla",
"description": "Atole is a traditional hot corn- and masa-based beverage of Mesoamerican origin. Chocolate atole is known as champurrado or atole.",
"uri": ""